September 14, 2017
                                             November  18, 2017
  Some things originally                     December  18, 2017
  posted to slashdot.                        February  20, 2018
                                             March     04, 2018
                                             April     16, 2018

JoshuaZ wrote:

    "You are talking about a platform which has a character
    limit and has many anonymous individuals and where
    people can post without thinking. Any one of those by
    itself can lead to problems. All three together? They
    all contribute in the same direction: emotion and insult
    over calm and careful discussion."

Nice to see someone said the obvious right out of the
gate. To take it a step farther: twitter is completely
incapable of doing anything at all that might reduce it's
traffic (it was like, just last quarter that they amazed the
world by reporting a profit for once, right?). From this we
can conclude that advertising supported media is a complete
bust, and it's completely inadequate for running the
information infrastructure of a functional democracy.

    So now we should all start talking about what we're going to
    do instead. But what the hell, let's get back to right-wing
    idjits bristling at the phrase "toxic" and whining about
    them feminazis...

Another comment to slashdot:

                                           (November 18, 2017)

Like Tim Berners-Lee, I think
ad-supported media is a bust, but
then I always have thought so--
almost anything works better:
government support, private               I would infer that Berners-Lee has
foundation support, direct appeals        been persuaded that since ad-support
for contributions, or even the            is a problem we need to go with
old-fashioned charge-for-hard-copy.       pay-for-content, which wouild explain
                                          his support for DRM technologies.


                                         (September 14, 2017)

    "... I was sympathetic to the idea that most of the pages
    I visit are funded by advertisers, so it seemed fair."

I'm not particularly. If they want to keep control of their
stuff, they can keep it off of our internet.

After the advertising apocalypse arrives, the net will only get better.


                                                  (February 20, 2018)

What I'm looking forward to out of this mess is the
conclusion that we need to start using real, traceable
back to meat-space IDs or else any enemy of the United       THE_TOY_WEB
States (Russian, China, Koch Brothers, etc) will be
jamming the internet with unreliable garbage.

Another thing that'd be cool is the realization that
as-supported sites are a bust, and in fact maybe for
profit sites are pretty useless, and we all switch over       COG_ZERO
to the non-profit model.

That would've been better than
what we were actually getting:          https://slashdot.org/comments.pl?sid=11498917&cid=55766795

                                       (December 18, 2017)

    "Facebook is cracking down on a new type of clickbait:
    Posts that ask people to "Like" or share or comment to
    goose engagement numbers, what Facebook is calling
    'engagement bait.' Their solution? Demote the posts
    considered to be 'engagement bait.'

Yes, this is clearly the number one demon facing the internet,
once facebook has protected us from this scourge we will all be
able to rest easy again. Thank you for saving the internet
