October  2, 2021
                                             October  6, 2022

About an interview with McKay Coppins,
conducted by Hari Sreenivasan,               McKay Coppins is a staff
"The Billion-Dollar Disinformation           writer at _The Atlantic_.
Campaign to Reelect the President":

    "Commercial Advertising on facebook is held
    to basic standards of truth-in-advertising.
    You are not allowed to run an add that
    blatantly lies about your product, Facebook
    will pull the add."

    "That's not true for politicians. Mark Z
    actually announced last year when he was
    under a lot of pressure about how
    disinformation was spreading on his platform.
    He said 'look we're going to crack down on
    some of it, but we believe that we shouldn't
    be in charge of arbitrating political speech.
    So if a politican decides to run an add
    that's false, we're going to allow that to
    happen and leave it up to journalists and
    watchdog groups and oppoosition parties to
    decide whether the ads are true."

    "Now to a certain extent I sympathize with that--"

       At this point, I started
       getting a bad reaction:
       Whaffling back and forth                  Is this another "both     
       doesn't make you Reasonable               sides" modrat?            
       it makes you an idiot who                                           
       thinks waffling is going to      (People like this             
       make you sound Reasonable        make me start          
                                        worrying that I'm      
                                        someone like this.)    
    "-- because I don't think that Silicon Valley         
    companies should be the final word on what            
    kind of speech is allowed in our political
    arena -- "

       That's the job of East Coast companies.

    " ... but at the same time when you're looking at
    the amount of information that is available on
    facebook the relatively scarce resources that
    journalists like me have and the relatively small
    amount of time we have to sort through all of the
    ads that are being posted you start to see the
    problem here."

    "So I think it is a consequential policy
    decision that facebook made, it basically
    incentivizes politicians to stretch the truth
    and lie because it'll be very hard for them to
    be held accountable and it will be easy for
    them to take advantage of the political
    benefits of lying on facebook with relatively
    little downside."

Okay, so how about we shut down political discussion on the
internet for the last week before the election?


