November 6, 2015

In contrast to Amory Lovins, James Hansen's background could not
be more impressive in the conventional way: he's got earned
degrees in physics and astronomy (albeit all from a state school,
the University of Iowa), and after that he followed a path of
internships and postdocs to NASA Goddard, where he ended up
serving as the head of the Institute for Space Studies for
several decades.

An issue that comes up fairly frequently among the "green" left:
is Hansen a hero for calling out global warming in 1988, or is he
a villain for calling for nuclear power in 2008? The usual
justification cited for rejecting his nuclear power stance is
that he's qualified to speak in one area but not the other.

Here's an example from a recent post by Rod Adams:
"Appealing to the hearts and minds of the people at APIEL":     [link]

    "Climatologist James E. Hansen, who just this week retired as
    head of NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Science, has just
    co-authored a paper that has been accepted by the journal
    *Environmental Science & Technology*, in which he calculates          [NEXT - CREDENTIALS_BENJAMIN_K_SOVACOOL]