November 6, 2015

Sovacool is frequently cited by anti-nuclear
Greens, despite the evident lack of quality       http://www.dailykos.com/story/2015/08/09/1409982/-Going-Nuclear-on-CO2
of much of his work.

Looking at the wikipedia article for Sovacool,
you'll see a bunch of mind-numbingly Very
Serious phrases that don't actually work out to   https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Benjamin_K._Sovacool
being impressive scientific credentials:

  "Benjamin Sovacool is Director of the Center
  for Energy Technology at AU Herning and
  Professor of Business and Social Sciences at
  Aarhus University in Denmark. ... Sovacool is
  also Visiting Associate Professor at Vermont
  Law School and founding Director of the
  Energy Security & Justice Program."

His educational background includes a PhD in
"Science and Technology Studies", with
undergraduate work in "Philosophy and
Communication Studies" and a masters in

The idea that this man is qualified to
understand energy policy and James Hansen is
not seems very peculiar, to say the least.
