July 26, 2020

An interesting phenomena in recent events:
It seems that the Republican's venerable
"Southern Strategy" is not working this season.

Large scale black protests are not swinging the
white moderates toward going with "law and order"--

On theory I've heard is that because of the Covid-19
shutdown, people have more time to think about things,
they're not just going by a quick glance at a headline
and an "I heard from my freind that--".

At a guess, it also could be Trump-burnout.  The
standard-bearer is too obviously FOS this time around,
the hardcore (the deplorable third) may not care,
but every election is actually settled by that weird
mushy group of half-awake "swing" voters, and if you
want them to follow along a con artists that's a little
ness obvious about it might be advisable.

As of last year, 2019, it seems that Ta-Nehisi Coates
was backing off his bleak assessments somewhat.                TA-NEHISI_JOY

The title of an interview claims: "Ta-Nehisi Coates Is an Optimist Now":


   "I think I underestimated the left's response to Trump. I
    definitely underestimated the Democratic Party's response.
    Listen, I was in college during the Clinton era, in high school
    and college. That whole 'super predator' thing that came up
    during Clinton's campaign, that wasn't-- and is not--
    abstract to me. That was literally the folks I went to school
    with. It was well within the mainstream to say things like that.
    We're gonna see, but the kind of pressure that our activist
    groups, and the left wing of the Democratic Party has been able
    to exert … I get this rap for being pessimistic, but it's
    inspiring to see. It's really inspiring to see.

That's funny in a way, because reading Ta-Nehisi Coates
from 2017 was giving me the feeling he was reeling in
Trump-shock (following Obama-euphoria)... I thought about
how you would try to talk him down: Yes, it's a bad thing
that Trump could get even *close* to winning, but he just
squeaked in on the technicalities of our weird system,
without even getting a majority of the vote, etc.
