September 17, 2021

                                            From material originally published
                                            at the dailykos in 2015.

The Ignorables

On nearly any subject of interest, there are bound to
be groups of people that aren't really worthy of
serious attention, who you would rather not hear from
at all. (Judge the speech and not the speaker--
provided they're not one of those guys). But
it's hard to find a general name for these groups I
classify as "the ignorables", because there are many
reasons that can happen. You might be question their
knowledge, their sanity, or their morality or some
combination of the three. They aren't all "crazies",
some, for example, may be hired shills, operatives        DEGENERATE_TRIANGLE
that are eminently sane and well-informed, but with
radically different values or interests than your own.

Different people make different judgment calls and
consider different sets of people ignorable. And
there are always factions out there trying to
manipulate these perception filters-- if they can
get the opposition filed away as "extremists", then
they win the game. And even if all they can do is
achieve the appearance of equivalence between "both
sides", that may be a good second best.

For this reason alone (it's not hard to think of others),
it's arguably a good idea not to take your perception
filters too seriously, however necessary they are in

(Of course I would say something like this, I'm acutely
aware that I'm already filed in many peoples "ignorable"

