January 14, 2024

   My best attempt:
   The rickety tower of blocks tapped delicately into
   place is the creative process, and the central
   subject is Miyazaki's attempt at setting up Studio
   Ghibli where they can do everything Miyazaki does--
   except they can't quite capture his magic.

   Miyazaki is the master of the tower, and he has
   no successor: when he's gone, it will all come
   crashing down.

   Dangerbaby's idea:

   The Tower is the Tarot card, and it
   represents periods of change.            The collapse of the Japanese
                                            empire with the close of World
   The unstable Tower that needs            War II?  That's explicitly the
   constant attention to keep               setting of the story--
   standing is our traditional
   industrial civilization.                          Dangerbaby rejects
                                                     that: all Miyazaki's
   The boy turns down the job of                     work is set in that
   maintaining it because he sees                    time period.
   that it's not good enough, there
   has to be something better,                          But even so: the boy's
   something more sustainable--                         father is running a
                                                        factory producing
     Then the central subject is the                    components for Zeros.
     challenge of climate change--
                                                        The wind screens: the
       The militaristic parakeet king is of             cockpit bubbles.
       the old order, but he brings it down
       by doing things in the old way.                  They comment on how
                                                        beautiful they are.

Myself: I think it's interesting the boy's
mannerisms are very much of that old world,     For Dangerbaby the question
he has a stiff, military manner, barking out    is "will the boy find a
his intentions to the women around him...       better way?"  I don't think
                                                there's much sign that he will.

                                                Except perhaps: when the
                                                step-mother he hasn't yet
                                                accepted has gone missing, he
                                                immediately goes after her.

                                                And while he may have wounded
                                                himself as part of a malicious
                                                revenge scheme, we don't *see*
                                                him actually following through
                                                on it.  It *could* be he already
                                                feels guilty about it and has
         Is it signifcant that the Heron        decided to drop it.
         speaks to him only after he takes
         on this burden of malice?

The heron is *of*       When the master of the tower offers the boy
the tower-- we          the task of arranging the blocks, the boy
seem him emerge         looks at them and detects that they're full
from an image on        of malice: he refuses to touch them.
the wall.
                        The tower master finds a new, untainted set of
The Heron takes         blocks-- and the boy thinks about it, and decides
instruction from        that he himself is tainted with malice.  He's
the tower master        not fit for this task.
to be the boy's
                            So: someone else will have to take it on?
                            Perhaps the next generation, the child his
                            step mother is carrying.

                                 The entire business about blood lines
                                 rubs me the wrong way-- I know it's
                                 a staple of folk tales, but there's
                                 no way to get it to make any sense.

   All the many and disparate elements--
   is there anyway to really make sense
   of them?

      Jimmy Durante wearing a blue
      heron as a disguise.                        The arrow that has power
                                                  over the Heron because
      The boy's mother immolated by fire          it is of the Heron--
      in the real world, a master of fire         it uses a molted feather
      inside the tower.                           as it's tail fins.

      The numbers on the doors in the                Creating this arrow is
      corridor of time.  All three digits,           a bit of amateur aero-
      in no obvious order.                           nautic engineering on
                                                     the boy's part: taking
          And:                                       after his father?


