February 1, 2018

"Oh My Ghost" has some of the best acting
I've ever seen, so I followed the name of
the lead actress to "Strong Girl do Bong
Soon": Park Bo-Young.

It's pretty remarkable, albeit not always in a good way.

The premise is this is about a young
woman from a family where the female
members are essentially super-strong
warriors of heaven--

This show has a weirdly barbaric sense of humor:  Our
heroine punches out a ganster dude early on and we *see*
the teeth flying out of his mouth, and then throughout the
rest of the series his mangled mouth is played for
"laughs": he drools, can't talk right, his false teeth
drop out when he's surprised...

       The character actor on this is apparently
       really popular, which may be why they
       let him wallow in this schtick: Kim Won-Hae

                                             (Jan 2022)

   I remember this one, now, in the distant haze of memory
   as silly, but watchable.  Looking over my notes at the time,
   I see lots of ranting about different little bits they got
   wrong...  maybe I'll get into it more some other time, but
   for now, let's just say it's not the worst thing out there...

              Anyway, Park Bo-Young's acting here
              is fine, but the writing doesn't hold
              up so well.
