June 28, 2006

One version of the story of the
origin of the Shadow magazine
is this:

   Listeners remembered "The Shadow",
   but not "Street and Smith Detective";
   it was quickly realized that
   they needed to put out a
   "Shadow Magazine".


      But my source on that is a
      radio show documentary
      about the Shadow, a history         Here's another, though,
      whose intent may have been          a quote presented by
      more entertainment                  Anthony Tolland, who
      than historical record.             wrote the notes for
                                          "The Lost Shows"
                                          collection of recordings:
Another source: the chapbook/zine
 "Gangland's Doom" (1974) by                        ...general manager
 Frank Eisgruber Jr.                                Bill Ralston decided
                                                    to give them what
In the preface by Robert Weinberg,                  they wanted.  "If
a slightly different version is                     we've got The Shadow
presented:                                          and people are talking
                                                    about The Shadow, why
   "In order to retain a clear                      don't we put out a
    copyright to the character,                     magazine called _The
    Street and Smith decided to                     Shadow_?  Like we
    publish a magazine featuring                    used to have magazines
    the exploits of The Shadow.                     called _Nick Carter_."
    A contest was started.
    Advertisements and clues
    about the character were
    published in "Detective
    Story Magazine" from               Jim Steranko -- who claims
    February 7 to April 11,            friendship with Walter Gibson, the
    1931, with the clues also          principal writer behind the Maxwell
    being read over the radio by       Grant handle -- supports this version
    The Shadow.  The prize in          in all details in "The Steranko
    the contest was $500."             History of Comics" (1970). It may
                                       very well be the original source.

He goes on to argue that in
spite of the build up they
didn't seem to expect the
magazine to be a hit.  But
his only point of evidence        Hm... and this fellow
is that they used a stock         claims that Gibson had
painting instead of having        to revise his story
a new original painted.           to match the cover:

               But might that        "The Shadow novel as written did
               not be driven by       not have a villain who was
               expediency?            Chinese originally in it, but
               There was a fear       it was not hard for the author,
               that a competing       Walter Gibson, to write one in."
               company would
               get a magazine            But this bit about a
               out any day and           Chinese fence is actually
               secure rights to          pretty well integrated into
               the title.                the story (with lots of
                                         secondary dialog about

                                             One thing that's

     And so: who                               SPOILERS
     is to say
     which tale                              Gibson has this Chinese
     of origin is                            guy turn out to be an
     the one true                            imposter, a white guy
     one?                                    made up as a Chinaman.

                                             It's quite possible that
                                             this was suggested by the
                                             cover painting, which
                                             definitely doesn't look
                                             like a real Chinese person.

