September 18, 2019

Hypothetically, if we were to conclude                     MORATECH
that we need some additional regulation
of technical innovation, what form might             The exchange recounted
it take?                                             above has problems:
                                                     neither Toyama or the
                                                     /r/Futorology crowd do a
                                                     very good job of making
                                                     their cases.

   Let's start with that analogy to the FDA.
   How do you decide when a new product counts
   as a new technology that needs special
   approvals?  Clearly there's a difference
   between, say, a robot car and that mop with
   the new, new reflex toe-bar head.

       In practice then, this is going to have
       to function something more like the patent         I suppose there
       office-- you can ship the new product with         might be some way
       only a tentative approval (if you like), but       of combining this
       it will take some time for the office to           with the patent
       examine your submission                            office-- maybe
                                                          they would handle
                                                          it: someone needs
                                                          to make a judgement
                                                          on the degree of
                                                          novelty involved,
                                                          and they already
                                                          try to do this.

  Then we might wonder if there's a non-governmental
  solution, ala Consumer Reports.  You let them do
  what seems reasonable to them to evaluate new
  products and make a recommendation, and hope enough
  people pay attention for this to do some good.

      My own feeling: these kind of voluntary
      nonprofit-based approaches always seem
      to lack visibility and influence. What
      would they need to do their job better?
      A new law (or... a new technology?)

             Perhaps some sort of expanded full disclosure laws?
             The way patents were *supposed* to work is to
             obviate the need for trade secrets.  Could expand
             this to apply to internal discussions of
             technical developments?

    Reduce (do away with?) "limited liability": the
    innovator guarantees no negative outcomes, and      A libertarianesque
    fear of penalties is used to motivate a             approach, except the
    thoroughly internal approvals process.              people who call
                                                        themselves libertarians
                                                        never seem interested
                                                        in *increasing*
                                                        corporate liability.

    A volunteer community of early adopters:
    a "coventry" of people who may get benefits
    of new tech, but are also in effect guinea pigs       AMISH
    for the rest of us.  A place where wider scale
    social effects can be observed in quarrentine.
