February 23, 2019

I'm the kind of guy (one of many, I suspect) who's
often at least vaguely annoyed at feminist ranting     You, are of course,
about "patriarchy".                                    free to ignore (or
                                                       be annoyed by) my
It seems like an odd conspiracy theory, an             annoyance.
assertion that there's literally some Old Boy's
Club out there where men gather and discuss how
they're going to maintain control over women.

The fight, when there is a fight, is often against
something more shapeless than that, a culturual
tendency-- and our culture isn't something external
to ourselves, it lives inside of us, it's part of
our heads, and it's there in one respect or another
whether we're male or female.

On the other hand, if you look back at the time
before the beginnings of anything like feminism,        
the treatment of women was often so bad, and so         The Balzac novel 
embedded in existing power structures, that the         "Modeste Mignon"                            
term "patriarchy" doesn't look quite so off-base.       from 1844/1886                              
                                                        comes to mind.

