June 29, 2018
  I've complained about about commentary            February 18, 2019
  of "male-oriented" adventure fiction
  from people out of sympathy with the


  But it occurs to me that in my comments
  on nominally "female-oriented" fiction
  (shoujo manga/anime, korean romcoms)
  I can be accused of similar problems.

When talking about the manga/anime
"Skip Beat", I've been known to say              SKIP_BEAT
things like this:
 o   in reality, the right answer to "Ren or
     Sho?"  would be "none of the above"; a
     Ren Tsuruga wouldn't be worth much-- an
     insulting liar with a history of
     violence and poor impulse control--

 o   If the boss of your acting agency keeps
     planting you in hotel rooms with men, it
     would be time to inquire exactly what        I think when I make remarks
     kind of agency it's supposed to be.          like this, to some people
                                                  it seems like I'm trying to
 o  In reality a shoujo heroine might             cop a pose of the great
    seem a rather useless and passive drip--      enlightened male feminist...
But just saying that is all pretty                Which would be doubly  
obvious and inane, isn't it?                      hypocritical with me,  
                                                  because I frequently   
                                                  call other guys on this.
      There are connections                       
      between fiction and                               MALE_FEMINISM_TRAP  
      reality, but they're not                            
      always tight connections.                           

  So, here I am intentionally diving into genres of
  fiction where I'm clearly not the target audience,
  after which I then try to give give the regulars the
  benefit of my great insight-- but I may very well         SECRETARY_KIM
  just be making points that most of them have gotten
  bored thinking about.

      I really do like things like the romantic comedy genre,
      but it bugs me if *nothing* is ever seen through anything
      like a feminist lens.

      I keep wanting to see Cinderella turn down the slipper.

            Though what I'd *really* like to see is asian
            pop-culture re-inventing feminism along their own
            lines-- perhaps without the streak of puritanism
            that keeps infecting the western version.
