Dec 2 2003 - Jun 8, 2004                       
   Usual tag: Homelessness.                                                
   Not clear that it's a *good* tag.      Bum                              
                                          Street Person                    
                                          Homeless Person                  
                                          Drug Addict                      
                   A parameter you can tweak in                            
                   visualizing what's going                                
                   on/understanding where                                  
                   commentators are coming from:                           
        innocent victims      vs.     lazy bums                            
        of circumstance                                                    
                      Primary symptom, people                              
                      on the street who seem:                              
          down-and-out                 unpleasant                          
          and hurting                  undesireables                       
                      We need to get them                                  
                      off of the streets.                                  
           We need to                   They're making                     
           help them.                   tourists                           
           They are,                    They're                            
           after-all,                   bringing down                      
           human beings.                property                           
                                        values.          (ha, as if        
                                                         that were         
                                                         possible in       
                      Compassion is arguably                               
                      not what's going on here                             
                      If every compassionate                               
                      liberal in SF invited a                              
                      homeless person to                                   
                      sleep on their couch,                                
                      they would all be off                                
                      of the streets.                                      
                      Whatever it is that                                  
                      we feel for these                                    
                      people, it seems too                                 
                      abstract and                                         
                      unfocused to call it                                 
   Myself, I don't even                                                    
   claim to have a huge                       SCUMZOIDS
   amount of sympathy                                                      
   for these people.      I've been known to                               
                          call them "scumzoids"--                          
   What I do have         So if you think this        Another piece of slang
   though, is a sense     piece seems insensitive,    I've heard: "sketchy"
   of justice: I don't    you should see some of      or "sketch".         
   want to see the law    my other stuff...                                
   cracking the whip                                            Suggesting 
   over the heads of                                            "lightly   
   the weak and                                                 sketched in",
   defenseless, just                                            like an    
   because they          And when you come                      oscillating
   occasionally annoy.   down to it, the                        speed freak?
                         street people                                     
                         annoy people who                                  
                         annoy me a lot                                    
                         more than they      (Maybe I owe                  
                         annoy me myself.    them for doing                
                                             me a favor.)                  
   It's pretty                                                             
   clear that                                                              
   the term                                                                
   is favored                                                              
   because it        The way the                                           
   absolves          argument against                                      
   them of all       that goes:                                            
                                  It's just not                            
   The older                      *that* hard to                           
   terminology like               survive in                               
   "bum", has the                 modern America,                          
   opposite                       even without any   Provided you avoid    
   difficulty.                    heavy job          expensive habits,     
   "It's all their                skills...          stay off the drugs    
   own fault,                                        (including booze)     
   they're just                   Many of them       and keep your         
   lazy."                         *could* have       spirits up and        
                                  gotten their       self-respect intact.  
                                  act together                             
             Is it possible       to avoid their                           
             to resolve that      condition.            Doing that in      
             question in any                            the face of        
             sensible way?                              living a           
                                                        bottom rung        
         (Possibly not.                                 existance is       
         The idea of                                    the trick, of      
         "Responsibility"                               course.            
         has some hidden                                                   
         gotchas.)         SELF                    
   Other problems (accuracy                                                
   quibbles?)  with the                                                    
   category "homeless":                                                    
   "Homeless" might include                                                
   someone doing the couch                                                 
   tour for six months, or                                                 
   perhaps living in a van      These people don't normally make           
   on the edge of town while    it into our mental image of the            
   holding down a job.          "homeless", though possibly they           
   Conversely, gutter-punks                                                
   on Haight street may                                                    
   return to their parents                                                 
   house in Marin every         At first glance, many people               
   other week.                  call them "homeless",                      
                                but if you knew their                      
                                background story it might seem             
                                more complicated than that.                
   Similarly you might have                                                
   drug addicts (including                                                 
   drunks) hanging around, who                                             
   you might loosely identify                                              
   as "homeless" without                                                   
   checking whether they've                                                
   got places to live.                                                     
   And there are cases                                                     
   like, say, drug dealers                                                 
   working on the street,                                                  
   that some people might                                                  
   look on as a symptom of                                                 
   a "bad neighborhood",                                                   
   though this has nothing                                                 
   to do with "homelessness".                                              
San Francsico has more of the                                              
on the street that many other                                              
American cities.                                                           
        What is                                                            
        The Source                                                         
        of The                                                             
                                                             (Aug 13, 2021) 
I hear all sorts of answers to this.                                            
Everyone knows, but they all seem to          An interesting one: until a       
know something different.                     few years ago, Nevada was         
                                              shipping them here, dumping       
  It's the weather.  They don't               the overflow of its mental       
  freeze to death here.                       hospitials on San Francisco       
                                              streets.  They had to be taken    
  They're drug burn-out cases,                to court to get them to stop.     
  hangovers from the sixties.                                                   
  They're all mentally ill, but ever                                            
  since Reagan (governor, then president)                                      
  there's been no facilities for them.                                     
                                             "ever since                   
                                             Proposition 13".              
My guess:                                                                  
  San Francisco is a relatively liberal                                    
  town, and whenever the powers that be                                    
  try to pull a Giuliani and get medieval                                  
  on the homeless, then a mayor gets             From a source that        
  chased out of office.                          I believe (but can't      
  We (mostly) don't *like* to see street                                   
  people hassled by the cops, so they               One year under         
  (mostly) don't, so we've got more                 Giuliani, the death    
  street people.                                    tolls for NYC were     
                                                    forged.  Many more     
     So if you're feeling all                       people died than       
     virtuous that your town                        were officially        
     takes care of the                              reported.              
     "homeless", you might                                                 
     want to look into how                             My theory: they      
     they've really been                               chased a lot of         
     "taken care of".                                  people out of the     
                                                       squats before winter
     What I think you'll find:                         kicked in, and let      
     the politicians knew you                          them freeze.            
     wanted them to "clean up                                                  
     the streets" (of human                              (I know one           
     trash?), and they also                              New Yorker            
     knew that you wouldn't                              with a simpler        
     inquire too closely into                            theory: They          
     how they did it.                                    just killed           
                                                         them all.)            
        Many a town has been                                               
        beautified with a                                                  
        thoroughly ugly beauty.                                            