April    15, 2001
                                                    Add:  December 11, 2008

Watching the documentary about Levittown,        "Dreamtown",
a few of the old folks talk about the old        I think...
days when some people they used to know
were into going to "key parties".                  Ah, no, it's
These were supposedly wife swapping                from 1997.
parties, where everyone throws their keys
into a jar and then draws at random.                    Got to love mistakes
                                                        like that -- I once
I've heard about these things before,                   came up with "The New
of course.  And I've wondered before:                   Romantics" when I
how exactly is this supposed to work?                   meant "The Modern
A bunch of couples go out to this
party, they get a little drunk, toss
their keys in the jar, they do the

And then what?  Keys don't
typically have addresses
marked on them.  I doubt that
they did even back in the
fabulous fifties.  How do you
know whose key you've got?

Okay, so you take the key off
your ring, and attach a
label to it, and write down
the address.

We might wonder at this point
why you bother with the key.
Why not just write down the
info on a card, and draw           And why would anyone be out "wandering"?
cards?  One person (wifey or       Both couples are at the same party, right?
hubby?)  is going to be at	   So, you draw a name, and go home with
home, while the other (hubby 	   whoever's name you draw.
or wifey?)  is out wandering,
so just have one let the other
in.                                           It could be that
                                              the point is to make
                                              sure that your spouse
But okay, so I'm being dull                   doesn't have their key
witted and overlooking the                    on them, so they can't
impressive symbolism of                       suddenly back out of
tossing your key away, and                    the deal and barge in
letting someone else fit it                   on some shennanigans
into your lock... Whatever.                   and throw a jealous

Now off you go, with your                     Somehow I doubt that
random key plus address tag,                  this is the concept.
you find your
home-away-from-home...  and                       Actually though, it
then in the morning, what do                      does change the
you do with the key?  How do                      social dynamic if no
you give it back to whoever                       one else at the party
you traded with?  Do you both                     knows where anyone
just leave it behind when you                     else is going.
go out, and expect wifey to
let you back in when you get                         There might even
home?                                                be an ethic of not
                                                     telling anyone
                                                     else in the group
Wouldn't this seem a little                          who you went home
ridiculous to you at this                            with.
point... like why did you
bother trading keys at all?                          (Seems too formalized
                                                      to be likely.)
Okay, so there's deep
symbolism here.  But what
does it symbolize to go out
keyless into the morning?

I can imagine ways to get
this to work, but overall it         Maybe you'd have a special
seems pretty silly.                  guest key made, with a tag
                                     that has the address on it.
                                     So no one ever goes keyless

                                     But once again, why not
                                     just the tag?

    It couldn't be that "key
    parties" are more "urban
    legend" than real, could it?               They'd make a
                                               little more sense
                                               in a resort hotel
                                               context than out
                                               in the 'burbs.
