August  7, 2006
                                              June   21, 2007
It makes no logical sense
that the works of Ayn Rand
should have lead to             (It's likely that libertarians
debacles like Enron.            and objectivists of all stripes
                                would be inclined to deny that
The crew at Enron               it did.)
strongly resemble
the villains of
Atlas Shrugged:
the well-connected
getting favorable
deals out of government

  But I think you can trace
  a clear line from the
  "virtues of selfishness"           The idea of the
  through "greed is good" to         "rational actor"
  "anything for a buck".             went from           MADNESS
                                     predicitive to
  The fact that Ayn Rand herself     prescriptive.
  would not trace that line, the
  fact that she didn't intend           It turned from
  any one else to walk it,              a hypothetical
  doesn't matter.                       model into a
     It's a question I                  established
     come back to often                 fact of "human     Out of the brainpan
     of late:                           nature".           and into the fire...

     Are philosphers only
     responsible for what
     they say, or are they      UGLYBEAUTY
     responsible for what
     their ideas do?
                               How do you get from
                               advocacting individual
                               freedom to becoming a      How do you get
                               tool of fascism?           from Christ to
                                                          the crusades?
