April    5, 2019
                                             January 15, 2022

There's an issue some people have with the       GOBLIN
popular korean drama from 2016, "The Goblin"
(sometimes called things like "Guardian:
The Great and Lonely God").

There are multiple things going on in this
story, but the main thread is the developing       As is often the case, most
relationship between the male and female           fans find the secondary
lead. The leading male role is The Goblin of       relationship more
the title (played by Gong Yoo), who is a           interesting: here, it's
demi-god that has been alive for around 900        between the "Grim Reaper"
years, condemened to live on earth until his       and the female lead's boss
foreordained "wife" releases him from his          (played by Lee Dong-Wook
curse.  We gradually learn that the female         and Yoo In-Na).
lead (Kim Go-Eun) is his destined "wife", and
she (supposedly) has the power to release him.     There was actually another
                                                   vehicle created for these
                                                   actors to play opposite
Gong You seems like he's in his late-40s           each other-- something
and Kim Go-Eun is supposed to be a high-           almost never done in Korean
school senior-- and she does an excellent          drama: "Touch Your Heart"
job of looking and dressing like one.              (2019).

This age difference really bothers some
people, at least in the United States-- but
it's also worth remembering how *popular*          I've seen people trying
these "cinderella plots" are, where the poor       to cover their butts,
young woman meets a rich and powerful older        saying things like "I
man who rescues her from her hum-drum              *love* 'The Goblin'!
existence.                                         (Though I'm not sure how
                                                   I feel about the big age

                                                       Suuure you are.  You've
                                                       thought about it and it
                                                       just doesn't bother you
                                                       that much.
