October 24, 2015
                                             November 6, 2015

Anyway, back on the subject of Lovins' credentials. It
turns out that there's this guy Rod Adams (of the
atomicinsights blog-- he also goes by the handle              http://atomicinsights.com/amory-lovinss-academic-career/
"#atomicrod"), and he's looked into this quite a bit--
back on May 12, 2006 his not-very-sympathetic conclusion

     "It seems to me that Mr. Lovins, who is famous as
     a convincing author and energy visionary,
     probably does not have an academic degree that is
     the result of following a prescribed course of
     study in an accredited institution of higher
     learning. I am not aware of any particular
     restriction on calling oneself a 'physicist', but
     I would imagine that most people who use that
     designation have at least one and probably more
     formal academic degrees. Honorary degrees do not
     normally count for much."

Myself I'd have trouble going *quite* that far...

First of all, getting a stack of honorary degrees does not strike
me as an easy trick (it's not like I've got any). Myself, I
wouldn't say that they don't "count for much", though it might
be a little ambiguous what they do count for (particularly if
you seem to be allergic to telling people *which* institutions
awarded you these honorary doctorates...).

Secondly, I'm not sure that we should really treat doctorates
like union cards that are necessary to work in a field.
