April 3, 2020

This is one you'd have to say I called wrong,
and I like to track things like this even if
there's no particular reason you should care.

When the COVID-19 story started to break, my
first impulse was to assume it was badly exaggerated.
I think there's a phenomena where everyone likes
to freak-out at the same time about the same thing,
and this struck me as a another problem that was
as much a social hallucination as it was real.

I went looking for some harder information, and
the death tolls seemed low compared to things that
people barely worry about, like influenza--
and that sounded like a familiar story: human
risk perception (like human perception of randomness
and uncertainty in general) seems horribly broken,
and it's not hard to find many examples where
the public worries tremendously about issues that        My favorite
don't strike experts as that big a deal.                 remains the risks
                                                         of nuclear power.
It struck me as significant that offical
sources like the CDC hadn't announced a
fatality rate, but there were many unofficial
commentators rolling their own, dividing known
deaths by an estimated number of people
exposed to it, without recognizing how janky        Early on, someone who
that second number is: early in a pandemic,         gets sick and recovers
people underestimate how many people have been      might attribute it to
exposed (and later they tend to over-esitmate)      a cold or the flu.
which means these amateur death rates everyone      Later, anyone who
was slinging around were almost certainly           coughs assumes they've
(I figured) much too high.                          got The Plauge.

I found it particularly annoying that Trump
was claiming it was all more "fake news",
because it meant that my "skeptic" position
was totally contaminated in most people's      I liked an early take by John
minds-- that is, "most people" among the       Oliver, trying to talk down
people I actually talk to.                     the panic reaction (toilet
                                               paper fights, gargling
                                               bleach, etc) while making the
    To my "credit" (talk about                 point that you should be
    low bars) I'm not someone                  *somewhat* concerned.
    who's ever gone against
    following the official
    recommendations of public
    health departments, and       But I did have my suspicions that some
    as those came out I took      of the official recommendations-- like
    them seriously.               hand-washing-- were more about giving
                                  people something they could do.

                                                      (My guess was airborne
                                                      transmission was a
                                                      bigger deal.)
    I was somewhat annoyed by some of
    the posturing I was seeing on-line:
    "some people just don't understand
    exponential growth".

        I do understand it, and one of the
        things I understand is that nothing
        ever stays on an exponential growth
        curve, the question is always when are
        we going to fall off it.

        My informal guess was eventually, after
        nearly everyone has been exposed, we'd       Actually, there are
        have enough naturally aquired immunity       evidently still some
        that the rapid growth phase would be         questions about how well
        over with.                                   that process will work--
                                                     there's that now familiar
            I figured weeks, now it's                issue of viruses mutating,
            looking more like months.                and an issue I hadn't
                                                     heard about (but I would
                                                     guess is related) that
                                                     with some viruses immunity
        I also hadn't heard about the need           is effectively temporary,
        to *slow* the growth to keep from            so there's an issue about
        over loading existing medical                how *long* an exposed
        facilities... and I never would've           person will be safe from
        predicted our current M95 mask               re-infection.
        shortage-- and the slow
        progress in ramping up production
        has been a definite surprise.

    By the time we got to
    California's announced
    lock down, I'd come              By the way, I've got what
    around to "okay, this            seems an unusual concern
    is worse than I thought".        about cornavirus fallout:     Another
                                     For the next ten years,       bid for
                                     I look forward to             originality,
                                     conserva-trolls treating      no doubt.
                                     this as the triumph of
                                     suburbia.  See, cities
                                     really are dirty and
                                     dangerous!  What, you
                                     want more public
                                     transit, are you trying
                                     to kill us?
