August  10, 2015
                                             October 04, 2022

That the web is broken, all can see.

The source of the breakage seems clear:

   Advertising supported,                  But then, the truly perceptive
   for-profit institutions                 can percieve murk in any waters,
                                           even these:

                                             The "non-profit" world
                                             is hardly perfect,
                                             and neither is the
                                             government supported...

                                             Both are vulnerable to subversion,
                                             over time, they can be compromised
                                             if not outright invaded and taken
                                             over by plants, whether hired or
                                             ideologically motivated.

                                             There are also odd sociological
                                             phenomena that can occur that you
                                             might call "sociological diseases":
                                             groups of people can be infected
                                             with harmful notions, styles of
                                             thinking, ill-founded widespread
                                             convictions...  group wrong think.

                                                It's also possible that
                                                the corporate world has
                                                been infected with some
                                                "sociological diseases",
                                                and it might do better--
                                                and possibly did do
                                                better-- under other
                                                social circumstances.

                                                    The prevalence of free
                                                    market worship may have
                                                    undermined the working
                                                    of the market.

                                                We are all possessed
                                                by the zeitgeist...

George Scialaba talking about "the reproduction of culture,
the ways political attitudes and beliefs are transmitted in
each generation":

   "The study of this process is a signal achievement of
   recent social science, from feminists on child-rearing
   (and innumerable other practices) to Stuart Ewen,
   Jackson Lears, and others on the historical roots of
   consumerism to Frances Fitzgerald on American history
   textbooks to Mark Crispin Miller and Todd Gitlin on
   television advertising to Noam Chomsky and Edward
   Herman on the 'manufacture of consent' through the
   news media, along with very much other fruitful work.
   The upshot of all these investigations is, from one
   point of view, entirely predictable: who pays the
   piper calls the tune."

"The Sealed Envelope"

p.6 of _Divided Mind_ (2006)
